The Leaves that Hung but Never Grew
Komposition: Christian Klinkenberg
Sieben Musiker und die Storytellerin Suse Weisse erzählen von verlorener Liebe, einer böse Hexe, einem verzauberten Baum und den Blättern, die hingen, jedoch niemals wuchsen. Die Geschichte basiert auf einer Sammlung von Daniel Morden. Die Musik wurde in dem oktavenlosen mikrotonalen Stimmungssystem Bohlen-Pierce komponiert.
- Englische Version: Daniel Morden
- Suse Weisse (basierend auf der Geschichte "The Leaves that Hung but Never Grew" aus dem Buch "Dark Tales from the Woods" von Daniel Morden)
Illustrationen im Video: Marc Kirschvink
Mitwirkende Künstler
Nora-Louise Müller: Bohlen-Pierce Clarinet
Todd Harrop: Bohlen-Pierce Chimes & Drums
Franck Hemmerle: Drums
Vedran Mutić: Bohlen-Pierce-E-Bass
Melle Weijters: Bohlen-Pierce-E-Guitar
Christian Klinkenberg: Bohlen-Pierce Keyboard
Paul Pankert: Violin
Lothar Felten: Interactive App
Dany Kelleter: Aufnahme
Jens Schumacher: Live-FX
Philipp Heck @ Bauer Studios: Mix
“The Leaves That Hung but Never Grew” (Sieben Blätter)- An interactive musical narrative
Kl-Ex Ensemble:
Nora-Louise Müller: Bohlen-Pierce Clarinet
Todd Harrop: Bohlen-Pierce Chimes
Franck Hemmerle: Percussion
Vedran Mutic: Bohlen-Pierce-E-Bass
Melle Weijters: Bohlen-Pierce-E-Guitar
Christian Klinkenberg: Bohlen-Pierce Keyboard
Paul Pankert: Violin
Suse Weisse: Storyteller
Lothar Felten: Interactive App
Jens Schumacher: Samples and real-time-fx
Marc Kirschvink: Paintings
Plot: A story about lost love, an evil witch, an enchanted tree, and the leaves that hung, but never grew is integrated in the performance.
The book: Dark Tales from the Woods by Daniel Morden. One of seven short stories, in which are found vivid retellings of the gypsy tales collected from the Wood family of Caegwyn. Including magical tales rich with the mystery of the Welsh landscape and quest stories.
The scale: The Bohlen Pierce scale is a 13-step non octave scale which is tempered to the perfect-twelfth (3/1). For this reason, the musicians have specially constructed instruments (clarinet, keyboard, chimes). The string instruments (e-guitar, bass, violin) also need to retune their strings and have to increase the spacing of the fingerings or frets by about half.
The app: The special feature of this performance: the audience can play along via an app.
Performances: 27th of April 2018 and 20th of November 2018 in the “AINSI” Theater Maastricht (NL).
Partners: Euro Microfest, Chudoscnik Sunergia, IMPACT (International Meeting in Performing Arts and Creative Technologies), Jazz Maastricht